Saturday, August 23, 2008

South Carolina not folding on taking Poker Players to Trial

Video link is at the Live5News site.

By Tracey Amick, Live 5 News
CHARLESTON COUNTY, SC (WCSC) - More than two years after a Mt. Pleasant poker game is busted by police, a motion to dismiss the case has been denied.
Most of the players have pleaded guilty since then and paid a fine, but five players are holding out. Friday their attorney said there are three reasons this case should be thrown out altogether.
First, Jeff Phillips says it's unconstitutional because the statute on this law is too vague for the average citizen to understand.
Second, he says if the law is to be taken literally, that means no games or cards can ever be played, and there's no way to enforce a ban so broad.
And finally, Phillips says the law specifically mentions a house of gaming, which he says wasn't there when the card game took place.

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